Book log/ blog
I have been overwhelmed lately about books. Whenever I see a book recommendation, I just want to start reading it there and then. But it is becoming impossible to keep up and I am losing the joy of reading because of not reading enough, being good enough at it etc. (See the perfectionism peeping through?) So naturally I googled it. How to deal with it? I found this ( ) helpful link that answered all my queries.
I wanted to jump in and create a written journal but to be honest I'm not sure I can manage it that well. I have so many written projects already that I'm not sure if I can handle another one. And then it gets left alone because of not being easily accessible. So I'm considering a blog and that too I don't want to create a new at once and would like to test things out first. I have taken out my laptop after ages and could use it for easier blogging technically but I'm not sure of anything right now. The third is a Goodreads account that I already had created few years ago but don't use it any more. Another option could be to revive it by downloading the app. Let's see how it goes and which route seems perfect.
I want to say that having small kids is doing this to me but it won't be honest. In reality is my own laziness and also my backache that's making me crawl into a hole. I do wish to be better so I can pursue the life I want.
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