Book log/ blog
I have been overwhelmed lately about books. Whenever I see a book recommendation, I just want to start reading it there and then. But it is becoming impossible to keep up and I am losing the joy of reading because of not reading enough, being good enough at it etc. (See the perfectionism peeping through?) So naturally I googled it. How to deal with it? I found this ( ) helpful link that answered all my queries. I wanted to jump in and create a written journal but to be honest I'm not sure I can manage it that well. I have so many written projects already that I'm not sure if I can handle another one. And then it gets left alone because of not being easily accessible. So I'm considering a blog and that too I don't want to create a new at once and would like to test things out first. I have taken out my laptop after ages and could use it for easier blogging technically but I'm not sure of anything right now. T...