
Showing posts from October, 2019

Book log/ blog

I have been overwhelmed lately about books. Whenever I see a book recommendation, I just want to start reading it there and then. But it is becoming impossible to keep up and I am losing the joy of reading because of not reading enough, being good enough at it etc. (See the perfectionism peeping through?) So naturally I googled it. How to deal with it? I found this ( ) helpful link that answered all my queries.  I wanted to jump in and create a written journal but to be honest I'm not sure I can manage it that well. I have so many written projects already that I'm not sure if I can handle another one. And then it gets left alone because of not being easily accessible. So I'm considering a blog and that too I don't want to create a new at once and would like to test things out first. I have taken out my laptop after ages and could use it for easier blogging technically but I'm not sure of anything right now. T...

Daily routine, daily life.

I'm a perfectionist. I don't do stuff in an okay way, I need to do it perfectly or I would not be satisfied with myself. I miss out on so much because of the fear of doing it wrong. With the recent years' uncertainty and the possibility of routine being disrupted by disease or death has had me give up and I don't want to have any routine which could be disturbed. At the same time I've become awfully busy and really need to manage life better. I specially need help with the mundane tasks of everyday that are an essential part of life with kids. After coming back from uk, I feel enthusiastic about cleaning and decluttering and today I tried to make a framework of weekly meal planning, chores, kids routine, activities etc and fixing the time to prep dinner or going out on weekends. It will need refining but I really feel good about it and want to continue with it. I need to be fine with the uncertainty of life, so if things go bad, at least kids can find comfort in ro...

French films

I had a German friend from when I was studying Swedish. She used to tell me she watches French films. At that time I thought she meant some old movies but when I did stumble upon a French film, I understood what she meant. They have a special feeling to them, the story or theme is always thoughtful, simple, sweet. Latest one I have seen is called "the blind date" which is a sweet little romantic film, nothing too fancy about it. But it's just that these films leave you smiling. I will try and watch more whenever I can.

Mothering our boys by Maggie Dent

I am part of a group for boy moms and I have been recommended this book 'Mothering our boys" more times than "Raising boys" by steve Biddulph. So I bought it yesterday and was hoping to read it soon. Last night, I searched it on youtube and found that Maggie Dent has put up videos 'Maggie moments' of small tips and talks about boys. They were so moving, I cried and I felt like somebody was speaking to my heart after a long time. I have felt somewhat connected to Gretchen Rubin but this was something else. So of course I stayed up very late and read the book in bed, and started putting her advice on building love bridges (from her video) and treated my sons more lovingly today, trying to notice how each of my interaction with them usually goes. I can't wait to read her book and be even more inspired to become a better mother to my boys.

Making a reading habit

I have not read a lot of books in the past years and always used to wish that one day I should set a goal and read a certain number of books in a certain amount of time. I got used to reading articles and blogs as I got busier and busier but I did feel I find books more thorough and well-researched that an article here and there on websites and blogs that want to gain followers and go viral. I have been impressed by challenges like 100 books a year, 52 books for 52 weeks, and various other lists I found on Pinterest. Last year (or was it the year before that?) I got a kindle and started reading some books at a slow pace. I did have better and quicker access to books I wanted to read, it is a clutter free method, and I also felt like I could invest in this if it was so important to me. This year i set a random goal to read 9 books. I was to have a baby this year and I knew it would be a huge task to read even 9 books. I have read 2 (forty rules of love, siblings without rivalry),...

Life update 2019

I never realized I stopped writing this blog right before I had my first baby. Lots has happened since then. I had a boy. Then I studied at uni for a year to complete my degree. Then I worked a year. Had a miscarriage.  Welcomed baby boy no. 2, had some well-deserved break. Visited Pakistan thrice. Worked a little more. Now newest addition was this year, baby no. 3. So now I'm a mom of 3 beautiful boys. Life is busier, so stressful, hectic, happier than ever before. I even crossed over from 20s to 30s in these years and it has been quite challenging to actually grow up and mature. Life just slaps in the face a bit harder now. I have also learned to appreciate myself more, love myself, my qualities, my nature with all its pros and cons. I seldom used to doubt myself before but now having gone through all these years I am in an even better place. I even tried to fully embrace my interests and limitations, so I did many crafts, started reading and have been enjoying baking for ki...