Mothering our boys by Maggie Dent

I am part of a group for boy moms and I have been recommended this book 'Mothering our boys" more times than "Raising boys" by steve Biddulph. So I bought it yesterday and was hoping to read it soon. Last night, I searched it on youtube and found that Maggie Dent has put up videos 'Maggie moments' of small tips and talks about boys. They were so moving, I cried and I felt like somebody was speaking to my heart after a long time. I have felt somewhat connected to Gretchen Rubin but this was something else.
So of course I stayed up very late and read the book in bed, and started putting her advice on building love bridges (from her video) and treated my sons more lovingly today, trying to notice how each of my interaction with them usually goes.
I can't wait to read her book and be even more inspired to become a better mother to my boys.


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