Activities week 16, 2020

Friday: some grocery, meat shopped to start preparing for Ramadan.
Decorated a small area with a branch I picked on yesterday's walk.
Cleaned, washed and stored the meat. We have not eaten much red meat for years (sometimes having gap of many months), and now I am trying to incorporate more for the kids and feel very accomplished to buy 1.5 kg meat and 1 kg mince for the next month, as I will try to make mostly salan roti and not so much rice.
Froze dhaniya podina for chaats. Made small quantity of podina chutney for the few times I will make fried food.
Completed a Ramadan calendar for countdown.
Added some lights to the other display.
Also ordered 3 new books for kids late last night and planning to give them as ramadan starts.
Also started looking for eid gifts. I want them to squeal with joy when they see their eid gifts. 

I also put on paper the kind of plan I want for Ramadan, the meals, the kids activities and my own Ibadat.
I have been thinking today, as much as I love to prepare fo Ramadan, I need to get better at the ibadat aspect of it for myself. And find a way to be this organized in daily life and about namaz.


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