Pineapple upside down cake

This is how my cakes looked. I had never successfully baked a cake before this in my life but I managed to make three of these in one day.
That explains how easy this recipe is!

I think it should be called "Ananas upp-och-ner kaka" in Swedish. hahaha

I simply followed this video.

It looks prettier to arrange the pineapples neatly and not like she did in the video.
The cake is ready in around 40 minutes. No need to check it before at least 35 minutes. 

I made the sugar mixture in a separate pan and poured it in my cake-mould. I didn't have light brown sugar at that time, so I used ordinary white sugar. Went fine.

Later I saw that packed light brown sugar at ICA Maxi but haven't tried making the cake with that. It's called Ljust Muscovadoråsocker by Dansukker. Here's a picture of it. Use the Light brown one.


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