
(the Swedish princess cake) When I came to Sweden, I came to know that this cake is my husband's favourite. That's when I decided to make it for his birthday and started research on it. I had to take recipes form different places and blend them up so that it looks and tastes like the one you get at Maxi. It's supposed to be a very easy recipe, but well, I'm new to baking. This was a surprize for him and he was certainly happy that I made it just after 3 months of being in Sweden. I think things work best when you do them for a special reason, in a special spirit. :) So here goes! THE BASE I made the cake from Kungsörnen's sockerkaka (which means sugar cake or sweet cake). It costs something like 13 kr. The instructions on the packet say you need to add water, and if you want it softer, u can add an egg and little butter. I added all three. When the cake is cooled down to room temperature, slice it into three layers. My cake wasn't very thick, so...